Category: Class 11 Biology NCERT Notes

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Chemical Coordination and Integration Notes Class 11 Biology Chapter 22

Chemical Coordination and Integration Notes Class 11 Biology Chapter 22 → There are special chemicals that act as hormones and provide chemical coordination, integration, and regulation in the human body. → These hormones regulate the metabolism, growth, and development of our organs, the endocrine glands, or certain cells. → The endocrine system is composed of…
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Neural Control and Coordination Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 21

Neural Control and Coordination Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 21 → The neural system coordinates and integrates functions as well as metabolic and homeostatic activities of all the organs. → Neurons, the functional units of the neural system are excitable cells due to a differential concentration gradient of ions across the membrane. → The electrical…
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Locomotion and Movement Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 20

Locomotion and Movement Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 20 → Movement is an essential feature of all living beings. → Protoplasmic streaming, ciliary movements, movements of fin, limbs, wings, etc., are some forms exhibited by animals, → A voluntary movement that causes the animal to change its place is called locomotion. → Animals move generally…
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Excretory Products and their Elimination Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 19

Excretory Products and their Elimination Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 19 → Many nitrogen-containing substances, ions, CO2, water, etc, accumulate in the body by various means, most of which have to be eliminated to keep the body in homeostasis. → The nature of nitrogenous wastes formed and their excretion vary among animals, mainly depending on…
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Body Fluids and Circulation Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 18

Body Fluids and Circulation Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 18 → Vertebrates circulate blood, a fluid connective tissue in their body, to transport essential substances to the cells and to carry waste substances from there. Another fluid, lymph (tissue fluid) is also used for the transport of certain substances. → Blood comprises a fluid matrix,…
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Breathing and Exchange of Gases Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 17

Breathing and Exchange of Gases Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 17 → Cells utilise oxygen for metabolism and produce energy along with substances like carbon dioxide which is harmful. → Animals have evolved different mechanisms for the transport of oxygen to the cells and for the removal of carbon dioxide from there. We have a…
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Digestion and Absorption Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 16

Digestion and Absorption Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 16 → The digestive system of humans consists of an alimentary canal and associated digestive glands. → The alimentary canal consists of the mouth, buccal cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus. → The accessory digestive glands include the salivary glands, the liver…
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Plant Growth and Development Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 15

Plant Growth and Development Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 15 → Growth is one of the most conspicuous events in any living organism. It is an irreversible increase expressed in parameters such as sizes, area, length, height, volume, cell number, etc. It conspicuously involves increased protoplasmic materials. → In plants, meristems are the sites of…
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Respiration in Plants Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 14

Respiration in Plants Class 11 Notes Biology Chapter 14 → Plants unlike animals have no special systems for breathing or gaseous exchange. → Stomata and lenticels allow gaseous exchange by diffusion. Almost all living cells in a plant have their surfaces exposed to air. → The breaking of C-C bonds of complex organic molecules by…
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Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Notes Class 11 Biology Chapter 13

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Notes Class 11 Biology Chapter 13 → Green plants make their own food by photosynthesis. During this process, carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is taken in by leaves through stomata and used for making carbohydrates, principally glucose and starch. → Photosynthesis takes place only in the green parts of the plants,…
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