Category: NCERT Notes for Class 11 Chemistry

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Environmental Chemistry Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 14

Environmental Chemistry Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 14 → Environmental Pollution: Atmospheric, Tropospheric & stratospheric. → Water Pollution: Causes of water pollution & International standards of drinking water. → Soil Pollution: Pesticides-Intecticides & Herbecides & Fungicides → Industrial wastes: Recycling of wastes → Strategies to Control Environmental Pollution: Waste management. → Green Chemistry: Green Chemistry…
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Hydrocarbons Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 13

Hydrocarbons Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 13 → Classification-classification of hydrocarbons. → Alkanes-Nomenclature. isomerism, preparation, properties of alkanes, conformations. → Alkenes-structure of double bonds, Nomenclature, Isomerism, preparation and properties. → Alkynes-Nomenclature of isomerism, the structure of the triple bond, preparation & properties. → Aromatic hydrocarbons-Nomenclature & isomerism structure of benzene, Aromaticity, preparation & properties. →…
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Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 12

Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 12 → Carbon: Tetra valency of carbon, shape of organic compounds & characteristic features of π-bond. → Structural representation of organic compounds: Complete, condensed & bond line structural formulae. → A 3-dimensional representation of organic molecules & classification of organic compounds. → Acyclic…
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The s-Block Elements Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 10

The s-Block Elements Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 10 → Gp. 1 Elements: Alkaline metals Electronic configuration, Atomic & Ionic radii Ionization enthalpy, hydration enthalpy. → Physical & Chemical properties. → Uses of Alkali metals. → General characteristics of the compounds of alkali metals-halides, salts of oxo-acids. → Anomalous properties of Lithium Points of difference…
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Hydrogen Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 9

Hydrogen Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 9 → Hydrogen: Hydrogen is the lightest atom with only one electron. Loss of this electron results in an elementary particle, the proton. → Isotopes of hydrogen: Protium (11H), Deuterium (D or 21H) & Tritium (T or 31H). Tritium is radioactive. → Water-Gas Shift Reaction: Dihydrogen is obtained on…
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Redox Reactions Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 8

Redox Reactions Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 8 → Reactions taking place in an electrochemical cell are redox reactions in nature. → In an electrochemical cell loss of free energy appears as electrical energy. → The reaction in an electrochemical cell is spontaneous in nature. → A salt bridge maintains the electrical neutrality of the…
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Equilibrium Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 7

Equilibrium Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 7 Chemical equilibria are important in numerous biological and environmental processes. For example, equilibria involving O2 molecules and the protein hemoglobin play a crucial role in the transport and delivery of O2 from our lungs to our muscles. Similarly, equilibria involving CO molecules and hemoglobin account for the toxicity…
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Thermodynamics Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 6

Thermodynamics Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 6 Thermodynamic Terms: The laws of thermodynamics deal with energy changes at a macroscopic system involving a large number of molecules rather than a microscopic system containing a few molecules → System: The part of the universe which is under thermodynamic study/scrutiny is called a system. → Surroundings: The…
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States of Matter Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 5

States of Matter Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 5 Most of the observable characteristics of chemical systems represent the bulk properties of matter. These are the properties associated with a collection of a large number of atoms, ions or molecules. For example, an individual molecule of a liquid does not boil, but the bulk boils.…
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Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 4

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Bond: The attractive force which holds various constituents (atoms, ions, etc.) together in different chemical species is called.a chemical bond. There are various theories to explain the formation of a chemical bond. They are Kossel-Lewis approach. Valence-Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory Valence Bond…
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