Category: NCERT Notes for Class 11 Physics

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Waves Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 15

Waves Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 15 → A wave is a form of disturbance that transmits energy from one place to another without the actual flow of matter as a whole. → Waves are of three types: Mechanical waves, e.m. waves, matter waves. → Water waves or sound waves are called mechanical or elastic…
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Oscillations Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 14

Oscillations Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 14 → All oscillatory motions are periodic motions but all periodic motions may not be oscillatory. → Oscillatory or Vibratory motions are harmonic motions of the simplest type, so they are called simple harmonic motions (S.H.M.). → Simple Harmonic Motion is defined as the projection of a uniform circular…
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Kinetic Theory Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 13

Kinetic Theory Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 13 → The molecules of the ideal gas are point masses with zero volume. → P.E. for the molecules of an ideal gas is zero and they possess K.E. only. → There is no. intermolecular force for the molecules of an ideal gas. → An ideal gas cannot…
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Thermodynamics Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 12

Thermodynamics Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 12 → A thermodynamic system is a collection of a large no. of atoms or molecules confined within the boundaries of a closed surface so that it has definite values of P, V, and T. → Work is done during expansion or contraction of the system and is given…
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Thermal Properties of Matter Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 11

Thermal Properties of Matter Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 11 → Heat is the thermal energy that transfers from a body at a higher temperature to the other body at a lower temperature. → Temperature is the property of a body that determines whether or not it is in thermal equilibrium with its surroundings. →…
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Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 10

Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 10 → Fluids are substances that can flow e.g. liquids and gases. Fluids don’t possess a definite shape. → When a liquid is in equilibrium, the force acting on its surface is perpendicular everywhere. → In a liquid, the pressure is the same at the same…
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Mechanical Properties of Solids Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 9

Mechanical Properties of Solids Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 9 → Young’s modulus is defined only for solids. → Bulk modulus is defined for all types of materials solids, liquids, and gases. → Hook’s law is obeyed only for small values of strain (say of the order of 0.01). → Reciprocal the bulk modulus is…
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Gravitation Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 8

Gravitation Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 8 → Gravitation is a central force. → It acts along the line joining the particles. → Gravitation is the weakest force in nature. → It is about 1038 times smaller than the nuclear force and 1036 times smaller than the electric force. → Gravitation is the conservative force.…
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Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 7

Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 7 → C.M. of a body or a system may or may not lie inside the body. → The momentum of the C.M. of the system remains constant if the external force acting on it is zero. → C.M. of the system moves with…
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Work, Energy, and Power Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 6

Work, Energy, and Power Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 6 → The total work done in the uniform speed of a body is zero i.e. if work is done is zero then the speed of the body is uniform. → In doing work in stretching or compressing a spring and by a falling body, the…
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