CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Notes Garbage in Garbage Out

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CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Notes Garbage in Garbage Out

Garbage in Garbage Out Class 6 Notes Understanding the Lesson

1. The unwanted, unused, and useless things are called waste.

2. There are three main sources of waste – domestic, agricultural and industrial.

3. The three types of wastes are solid waste, liquid waste and gaseous waste.

4. The waste on the basis of their ability to get decomposed are categorized as biodegradable waste and non- biodegradable waste.

5. Waste than can be broken down into simpler compounds by the activity of organisms are known as biodegradable waste.

6. Waste that cannot be broken down easily into simpler compounds by the activity of organisms are known as non-biodegradable waste.

7. The process of collection, removal, processing and proper disposal of waste is known as waste management.

8. The collected waste is first segregated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.

9. Biodegradable waste can be converted into compost.

10. The method of converting biodegradable waste into compost by the activity of redworms is known as vermicomposting.

11. Vermicompost can be used as manure as it is rich in humus and minerals.

12. Landfill s a low-lying area where garbage collected from a city or town is dumped. This area is later converted into a park or playground.

13. Nowadays, it is difficult to think without plastics. Most of the things around us are made of plastics.

14. Effect of excessive use of plastic bags on the environment are quite devastating. It is non-biodegradable, on burning produces harmful gases, choke soil pores and drains, can cause death of animals by blocking their intestine and releases poisonous substances if food items are kept in these.

15. We must generate very less waste and think before disposing waste.

16. We must recycle paper to get useful products and to save trees.

17. We must follow 3R’s-reduce, reuse and recycle to avoid problem of waste accumulation.

Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Notes Important Terms

Compost: A mixture of various decaying organic substances which is used to fertilise soil is known as compost.

Composting: The process of converting plants, animals and kitchen wastes into manure by rotting is known as composting.

Garbage: Domestic wastes, refuse, discarded rubbish, used plastic items and wrapping materials like polythene and plastic bags are called garbage.

Landfill: A landfill is a low-lying open area of ground where the garbage collected from a city may be dumped.

Recycling: The process of converting waste materials into reusable materials is known as recycling.

Vermicomposting: The process of making compost from kitchen wastes like peels of vegetables and fruits, tea leaf wastes, etc., by using redworms is known as vermicomposting.

Waste: Unwanted or unusable remains or by-products of materials or food is called waste.

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