CBSE Class 8 Maths Chapter 7 Notes Cubes and Cube Roots

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CBSE Class 8 Maths Chapter 7 Notes Cubes and Cube Roots

Cubes and Cube Roots Class 8 Notes Conceptual Facts

  • A natural number n is a perfect cube if there exists a natural number m such that m x m x m = n For example: 1, 8, 27 …. are all perfect cubes

Properties of Cubes of Numbers:

  • Cubes of all odd numbers are odd. Thus 33 = 27, 53 = 125, etc.
  • Cubes of all even numbers are even. Thus 23 = 8, 43 = 64, 63 = 216, etc.
  • Cubes of all negative numbers are always negative. Thus (-1)3 = -1, (-2)3 = -8, (-3)3 = -27, etc.
  • \(\left(\frac{a}{b}\right)^{3}=\frac{a^{3}}{b^{3}}\)

Properties of Cube Roots:

(i) \(\sqrt[3]{-a^{3}}=-a\)

(ii) \(\sqrt[3]{a b}=\sqrt[3] a^{a} \sqrt[3]{b}\)

(iii) \(\sqrt[3]{\frac{a}{b}}=\frac{\sqrt[3]{a}}{\sqrt[3]{b}}, b \neq 0\)

A Pattern of Cube:

13 = 1
22 = 8 = 3 + 5
33 = 27 = 7 + 9 + 11
43 = 64 = 13 + 15 + 17 + 19
53 = 125 = 21 + 23 + 25 + 27 + 29


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