fruits and their names in Arabic

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fruits and their names in Arabic:

  1. تفاح (Tuffah) – Apple
  2. برتقال (Burtuqal) – Orange
  3. موز (Mawz) – Banana
  4. عنب (‘Anab) – Grape
  5. فراولة (Farawla) – Strawberry
  6. بطيخ (Bateekh) – Watermelon
  7. برقوق (Barqooq) – Apricot
  8. خوخ (Khawkh) – Peach
  9. تمر (Tamr) – Date
  10. رمان (Rumman) – Pomegranate
  11. مانجو (Mango) – Mango
  12. كيوي (Kiwi) – Kiwi
  13. ليمون (Laymoon) – Lemon
  14. تين (Teen) – Fig
  15. بابايا (Babayya) – Papaya

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