NCERT Class 10 Geography Chapter 4 Notes Agriculture
CBSE Class 10 Geography Chapter 4 Notes Understanding the Lesson
1. Agriculture is a primary activity in India. Two-thirds of the country’s population depends on agricultural activities.
2. At present, several farming systems are practised in different parts of India. These include primitive subsistence farming, intensive subsistence farming, commercial farming and plantation farming.
3. Primitive subsistence farming is practised on small patches of land with the help of primitive tools like hoe, dao and digging sticks, and family or community labour. It is also known as ‘slash and burn’
4. Intensive subsistence farming is done in areas of high population pressure on land. It is labourintensive farming. Farmers generally use high doses of biochemical inputs and irrigation in their fields to get good production.
5. In commercial farming, higher doses of modern inputs such as HYV seeds, chemical fertilisers, etc. are used to get higher production.
6. Plantation is a type of commercial farming in which a single crop is grown on a large area. In India, tea, coffee, rubber, sugarcane, etc. are major plantation crops.
7. India has three cropping patterns – rabi, kharif and Rabi crops such as wheat, barley, peas, gram, etc. are sown in winter from October to December and harvested in summer from April to June. Kharif crops such as paddy, maize, jowar, bajra, etc. are sown in the rainy season and harvested in September-October. Zaid crops are watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, etc.
8. A variety of food and non-food crops are grown in different parts of India. Rice, wheat, millets, pulses, maize, etc. are major food crops. Sugarcane, tea, coffee, oilseeds are food crops other than grains. Rubber and fibre crops like cotton, jute, hemp and natural silk are non-food crops.
9. Although India is an agriculturally important country but it has not achieved agricultural development in required potential. Most of the farmers in large parts of the country still depend upon monsoon and natural fertility in order to carry on their agriculture.
10. Agriculture in India needs some serious technical and institutional reforms, collectivisation, consolidation of holdings, cooperation and abolition of zamindari, were given priority to bring about institutional reforms in the country after Independence.
11. Agricultural reforms were introduced to improve Indian agriculture in the 1960s and 1970s. The success stories of the Green Revolution and the White Revolution or Operation Flood can be mentioned in this regard.
12. In the 1980s and 1990s, a comprehensive land development programme was initiated, which included both institutional and technical reforms. Provision for crop insurance, against natural calamities, establishment of Grameen banks, etc. were some important steps in this direction.
Note: Please note as per CBSE Curriculum 2017-18, content of pages 44-47 of NCERT TEXT BOOK has been deleted. Hence, in this book we have also excluded content and the questions related to this content.
Agriculture Class 10 CBSE Notes Important Terms
Agriculture: A primary activity which produces food that we consume.
Plantation: A type of farming in which a single crop is grown on a large scale.
Horticulture: Intensive cultivation of vegetables, fruits and flower crops.
Sericulture: Rearing of silk worms for the production of silk fibre.
Jhumming: Burning a piece of land for cultivation.
Globalization: The working of whole world together with cooperation and coordination in the form of a market.
Gramdan: Some Zamindars and owners of many villages offered to distribute some villages among the landless.