NCERT Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Notes Diversity and Discrimination
Diversity and Discrimination Class 7 Notes Social Science Civics Chapter 2
CBSE Class 6 Civics Chapter 2 Notes Understanding the Lesson
1. The language, food, clothes etc., all of these are influenced both by the geography and history of the place where we live.
2. There are 8 major religions and 16000 languages and more than 100 dance forms in India.
3. We feel safe and secure with people who look, talk, dress and think like us.
4. People also form certain attitudes and opinions about others who are not like them.
5. To judge other people negatively or see them as inferior is prejudice.
6. We can be prejudiced about many things: people’s religious beliefs, the colour of their skin, the region they come from, the accent they speak in, the clothes they wear etc.
7. Sometimes our prejudice about others is so strong that we don’t want to associate with them, even act in ways that hurt them.
8. When we fix people into one image we create a stereotype. When people say that those who belong to a particular country, religion, sex, race or economic background are stingy, lazy, criminal or brave, they are using stereotypes.
9. A common stereotype about Muslims is that they are not interested in educating girls and therefore do not send girls to school. However, studies have now shown that poverty amongst Muslims is an important reason for dropping out of school.
10. Discrimination happens when people act on their prejudices or stereotypes.
11. Discrimination can take place because of several reasons such as religion, caste, work, language, region, status, culture, country etc.
12. More than 50% of all Indians live in villages. They care a little bit about their health. Most of the people of villages are backward and depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Rural families spend 12 to 14 hours in the fields in peak harvesting and plantation season.
13. Life in the city is easy. Most of them are very busy. They spend more time out of home and thus, spend very little time with family members.
14. Dalit is a term that people belonging to so called lower castes use to address themselves. They prefer this word to ‘untouchable’. Dalit means those who have been broken. The government refers to this group of people as Scheduled Castes (SC).
15. Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar is considered the father of the Indian Constitution and is also the best known leader of the Dalits. Dr Ambedkar fought for the rights of the Dalit community.
16. Dalits, women, tribal and peasants fought against the inequalities along with from British rule
17. Many Dalits organized themselves to gain entry into temples, women demanded for right to education, peasants and tribals fought to release themselves from the grasp of the moneylenders.
18. Our leaders set out a vision and goals in the Constitution to ensure that all the people of India were considered equal. This is seen as key-value that unites us all as Indians
Diversity and Discrimination Class 6 CBSE Notes Important Terms
Prejudice: Judge others as inferior or think about them negatively.
Stereotypes: When we fix people into one image, we create a stereotype.
Inequality: Not to be equal on the basis of social, economic conditions and less opportunities available to people.
Discrimination: It is an act of separating the person on the basis of religion, caste, work, language, region, creed etc.
Dalit: Those who are considered low and discriminated.
Untouchability: An act to be separated.