NCERT Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Notes Population
CBSE Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Notes Understanding the Lesson
1. Population is an important topic in social studies. Everything such as resources, calamities, disasters, etc. are meaningful only in relation to human beings.
2. Human beings are producers and consumers of earth’s resources. Therefore, it is important to know how many people are there in a country, where do they live, how and why their numbers are increasing and what are their characteristics. The Census of India provides us with information regarding the population of our country.
3. India’s population as on March 2011 stood at 1,210 million, which account for 17.5 per cent of the world’s population. These 1.21 million people are unevenly distributed.
4. The 2011 Census data reveals that Uttar Pradesh with a population size of 199 million people is the most populous state of India. On the other hand, Sikkim has a population of just about 0.6 million and Lakshadweep has only 64,429 thousand people.
5. Almost half of India’s population lives in just five states-Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh.
6. The population density of India in the year 2011 was 382 persons per sq. km. Densities vary from 1,102 persons per sq. km in Bihar to only 17 persons per sq. km in Arunachal Pradesh.
7. The numbers, distribution and composition of the population are constantly changing due to births, deaths and migrations.
8. Growth of population can be expressed in two ways-in terms of absolute numbers and in terms of percentage change per year.
9. India’s population has been steadily increasing from 361 million in 1951 to 1210 million in 2011. From 1951 to 1981, the annual rate of population growth was steadily increasing. Since 1981, however the rate of growth started declining gradually.
10. The declining trend of the growth rate is indeed a positive indicator of the efforts of birth control.
11. There are three main processes of change of population-birth rates, death rates and migration. The natural increases of population is the difference between birth rates and death rates.
12. In India, most migrations have been from rural to urban areas which provide increased employment opportunities and better living conditions.
13. The urban population has increased from 17.29 per cent of the total population in 1951 to 31.80 per cent in 2011. There has been a significant increase in the number of million-plus cities from 35 to 53 in just one decade, i.e. 2001 to 2011.
14. Age composition is one of the most basic characteristics of a population.
15. The population of a nation is generally grouped into three broad categories—Children below 15 years, Working age (15-59 years) and Aged (above 59 years).
16. Sex ratio is an important social indicator to measure the extent of equality between males and females in a society at a given time. The sex ratio in the country has always remained unfavourable to females.
17. Literacy is an important quality of a population. Low levels of literacy are a serious obstacle for economic improvement.
18. The percentage of population that is economically active is an important index of development.
19. A great number of occupations are found in any country. These occupations are generally classified as primary, secondary and tertiary.
20. The percentage of people working in different activities varies in developed and developing countries. Developed nations have a high proportion of people in secondary, and tertiary activities. Developing countries tend to have a higher proportion of their workforce engaged in primary activities.
21. Health is an important component of population composition. Sustained efforts of government programmes have made significant improvements in the heath conditions of the Indian population.
22. Despite considerable achievements, the health situation is a matter of major concern for India. The per capita calorie consumption is much below the recommended levels and malnutrition afflicts a large percentage of our population.
23. Adolescent population constitutes one-fifth of the total population of India. Adolescents are generally grouped in the age-grouped of 10 to 19 years. They are the most important resource for the future.
24. The diet available to adolescents is inadequate in all nutrients. A large number of adolescent girls suffer from anaemia.
25. The National Population Policy (NPP) provides a policy framework for imparting free and compulsory school education up to 14 years of age, reducing infant mortality rate to below 30 per 1000 live births, achieving universal immunisation of children against all vaccine-preventable diseases, etc.
26. Education and heath should be given much importance because a well-educated healthy population can play an important role in country’s development.
Population Class 9 CBSE Notes Important Terms
Adolescence: A period in which a person is no longer a child and not yet an adult. Such persons are grouped in the age-group of 10 to 19 years.
Birth rate: The number of live births for every 100 persons in a year.
Census: An official enumeration of population done periodically.
Population density: The number of persons per unit area.
Population growth: Change in the number of inhabitants of a country/territory during a specific period of time.
Death rate: The number of deaths per thousand persons in a year.
Migration: The movement of people across regions and territories.
Sex ratio: The number of females per thousand males.
Literacy: The ability to read, write and use arithmetic.