एक Solve किया हुआ Profit And Loss Account Question

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एक Solve किया हुआ Profit And Loss Account Question

निम्नलिखित विवरणों से एशिया ट्रेडर्स का 31 मार्च, 2009 को समाप्त होने वाले वर्ष के लिए एक लाभ-हानि खाता बनाइए :

Salaries 60,000
Discount Allowed 8,000
Discount Received 5,000
Bad Debts 2,000
Rent And Rates 2,000
Insurance 2,500
Interest On Investment 2,000
Depreciation 1,200
Commission Dr. 4,000
Gross Profit transferred From Trading A/c 1,60,000

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