Category: Class 10 Social Science

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 Democracy and Diversity HOTS CBSE Class 10 Social Civics

 Democracy and Diversity HOTS CBSE Class 10 Social Civics Q.1. Examine two features of the social groups of each North Ireland and Netherlands. [CBSE Comp. 2008, 14] Ans. (i) Both are predominantly Christians but divided between Catholics and Protestants. (ii) In Northern Ireland, class and religion overlap with each other. If you are Catholic, you…
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Social Civics CBSE Class 10 Democracy and Diversity VSAQ

Social Civics CBSE Class 10 Democracy and Diversity VSAQ Q.1. What was Civil Rights Movement ? Ans. It was a reform movement launched by Martin Luther to abolish legal racial discrimination against African-American. Q.2. Who were African-American ? Ans. Afro-American, Black American, or Black are the terms used to refer mainly to the descendants of…
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Social Civics Democracy and Diversity CBSE Class 10 SAQ

Social Civics Democracy and Diversity CBSE Class 10 SAQ Q.1.  Explain the Civil Rights Movement in the USA.  [CBSE 2014] Ans. (i) Civil Rights Movement in the USA (1954-1968) refers to a set of events and reform movements aimed at abolishing legal racial discrimination against African-Americans. (ii) Led by Martin Luther King Jr., this movement…
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Social Civics Democracy and Diversity LAQ CBSE Class 10

Social Civics Democracy and Diversity LAQ CBSE Class 10 Q.1. Explain the reasons of social differences. [CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011, 2012] Or Why do social differences emerge in society ? [CBSE 2014] Ans. (i) Birth : Birth is the most important factor which is responsible for social differences. A person in India is considered of…
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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics Chapter 3 Democracy and Diversity

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics Chapter 3 Democracy and Diversity NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Democratic Politics Chapter 3 Democracy and Diversity Question-1 Discuss three factors that determine the outcomes of politics of social divisions. Solution: Three factors are crucial in deciding the outcome of politics of social divisions.…
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Federalism Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 2

Federalism Class 10 Notes Civics Chapter 2 Federalism Class 10 Notes Social Science Civics Chapter 2 SST Pdf free download is part of Class 10 Social Science Notes for Quick Revision. Here we have given Federalism Class 10 Civics Chapter 2 Notes.   Board CBSE Textbook NCERT Class Class 10 Subject Social Science Notes Chapter…
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CBSE Civics Social Sciences Class 10 Federalism VBQ

CBSE Civics Social Sciences Class 10 Federalism VBQ Q.1. Mention any three social or political values reflected by federalism. Ans. (i) Federalism works on the principle of power sharing which leads to social peace. (ii) Federal system has dual objective, i.e., to safeguard and promote unity of the country, while at the same time accommodate…
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CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences Civics Federalism HOTS

CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences Civics Federalism HOTS Q.1. Some subjects have been mentioned below. Categorise them into Union List, State List and Concurrent List. (i) Education (ii) Currency (iii) Police (iv) Forest (v) Banking (vi) Communication Ans. (a) Union List – Currency, Banking and Communication. (b) State List – Police (c) Concurrent List –…
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CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences Civics Federalism Notes

CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences Civics Federalism Notes Q.1.. What is federalism ? [CBSE 2014] Ans. Federalism is a system of government under which power is divided between a central authoirty and its various constituent units. The various constituent units and the central authority run their adiministration independently and do not interfere unnecessarily in the…
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Social Sciences Civics CBSE Class 10 Federalism SAQ

Social Sciences Civics CBSE Class 10 Federalism SAQ Q.1. “Belgium shifted from a unitary to a federal form of government”. What key changes were brought in the political system under the above mentioned shift ? Ans. (i) Many powers of the central government were given to state governments of the two regions of the country.…
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