Category: Class 10 Social Science

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Social Science History CBSE Class 10 Work, Life and Leisure SAQ

Social Science History CBSE Class 10 Work, Life and Leisure SAQ Q.1. Who wrote the novel ‘Debganer Martye Aagaman’ (The Gods visit Earth) ? What was the plot of the novel ? Explain. Or Describe in brief how did ‘The city of Calcutta’ both amaze and confuse the Gods’. [CBSE 2013] Ans. (i) In his…
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CBSE Social Science History Class 10 Work, Life and Leisure LAQ

CBSE Social Science History Class 10 Work, Life and Leisure LAQ NCERT Solutions LAQ Q.1. Mention the major characteristics of an ancient town. [CBSE Sept. 2010. 2012] Ans. (i) The towns and the Cities that first appeared along the river valleys like Ur and Mohenjodaro were larger in scale than other human settlements. (ii) These…
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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 6 Work, Life and Leisure

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 6 Work, Life and Leisure NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social History Chapter 6 Work, Life and Leisure Q.1. Give three reasons why the population of London expanded from the middle of the eighteenth century. [CBSE 2008 ID). Sept. 2010. 2011] Ans. (i) Industrialisation was the…
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The Age of Industrialisation Class 10 Notes History Chapter 5

The Age of Industrialisation Class 10 Notes History Chapter 5 The Age of Industrialisation Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 5 SST Pdf free download is part of Class 10 Social Science Notes for Quick Revision. Here we have given The Age of Industrialisation Class 10 History Chapter 5 Notes.   Board CBSE Textbook…
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Social Sciences Class 10 CBSE The Age of Industrialisation VBQ

Social Sciences Class 10 CBSE The Age of Industrialisation VBQ Q.1. Mention any three social causes of the clashes between Gomasthas and Villagers. [CBSE 2014] Ans. (i) Gomasthas were outsiders and had no long term social link with the village. (ii) They acted arrogantly. (iii) They marched into villages with sepoys and peons, and punished…
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CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences The Age of Industrialisation HOTS

CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences The Age of Industrialisation HOTS Q.1. What is meant by proto-industrialisation ? How did it affect the rural peasants and artisans ? [CBSE 2012] Or How did the poor peasants and artisans benefit during the proto-industrialisation phase? [CBSE 2011] Ans. It was the phase of industrialisation before the Industrial Revolution,…
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CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences The Age of Industrialisation VSAQ

CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences The Age of Industrialisation VSAQ Q.1. What is proto-industrialisation ? Ans. The parly phase ol industrialisation in which large-scale production was carried out for international market not at factories but in decentralised units. Q.2. How was proto-industrialisation different from factory production ? Ans. Proto-industrialisation was a decentralised method of production…
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CBSE Class 10 The Age of Industrialisation SAQ Social Sciences

CBSE Class 10 The Age of Industrialisation SAQ Social Sciences Q.1.What was the role of trade guilds ? Explain. Ans. (i) Trade guilds were associations of producers that trained craft people, maintained control over production, regulated competition and prices (ii)They enjoyed monopoly rights to produce and trade in specific products (iii) They also had the…
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Social Sciences CBSE Class 10 The Age of Industrialisation LAQ

Social Sciences CBSE Class 10 The Age of Industrialisation LAQ NCERT Solutions LAQ Q.l. ‘In the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries, the merchants from the towns in Europe began moving to the countryside.’ Give reasons. Or Explain any three major problems faced by the new European merchants in setting up their industries in towns before…
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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 5 The Age of Industrialisation

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 5 The Age of Industrialisation NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social History Chapter 5 The Age of Industrialisation Q.1. Explain the following : (a) Woman workers in Britain attacked the Spinning Jenny. [CBSE Sept. 2011] (b) In the seventeenth century, merchants from towns In Europe began employing…
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