Category: Class 10 Social Science

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The Making of Global World Class 10 Notes History Chapter 4

The Making of Global World Class 10 Notes History Chapter 4 The Making of Global World Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 4 SST Pdf free download is part of Class 10 Social Science Notes for Quick Revision. Here we have given The Making of Global World Class 10 History Chapter 4 Notes.  …
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The Making of Global World VBQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences 

The Making of Global World VBQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences  Q.1. “Food offers many examples of long distance cultural exchange.” Explain. [CBSE Sept. 2011] Or Assess with examples the contribution of food to the process of globalisation of the early periods. [CBSE 2012] Ans. (i) Many of our common foods, such as potatoes, soya,…
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The Making of Global World HOTS CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences 

The Making of Global World HOTS CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences  Q.1. Why were the Corn Laws scrapped ? Explain any three reasons.[CBSE Comp. (D) 2008, 2009 (F), Sept. 2011] Ans. Unhappy with high food prices, industrialists and urban dwellers forced the abolition of the Corn Laws. (i) High prices : Population in Britain grew…
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The Making of Global World VSAQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences

The Making of Global World VSAQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences Q.1. What is globalisation ? [CBSE Sept. 2011, 2012] Ans. Movement of people, goods and sen/ices across the nations has been termed as globalisation. Q.2. What were silk routes ? [CBSE 2014] Ans. These were the routes which knitted together vast regions of Asia…
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The Making of Global World SAQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences 

The Making of Global World SAQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences  Q.1. ‘The pre-modern world shrank greatly in the 16th century.’ Explain. Ans. (i) Because the European sailors found a sea route to Asia and successfully crossed the western ocean to America. The Portuguese and the Spanish conquests and colonialisation of America was decisively under…
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The Making of Global World LAQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences

The Making of Global World LAQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences How did Silk Routes link the world ? Explain with three suitable examples. [CBSE 2008 (D)] Or Explain any three characteristics of Silk Routes. [CBSE Comp. (D) 2008, Sept. 2010, 2012] Or Enumerate the importance of Silk Routes. [CBSE Sept. 2010] Ans. (i) The…
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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 4 The Making of Global World

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 4 The Making of Global World   Q.1. Give two examples of different types of global exchanges which took place before the 17th century, choosing one example from Asia, and one from the America. Ans. (i) Exchange of food : Food offers many examples of long…
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CBSE Class 10 Social Science History Nationalism in India HOTS

CBSE Class 10 Social Science History Nationalism in India HOTS Q-1. Carefully study the given paragraph from your textbook and answer the questions that follows : As the news of the Jallianwala Bagh spread, crowds took to the streets in many North Indian towns. There were strikes and clashes with the police and attacks on…
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Nationalism in India VSAQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences

Nationalism in India VSAQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences Very Short Answer Type Questions (VSAQ) Q.1. When did Mahatma Gandhi return to India ? Ans. 1915. Q.2. Name any two methods used by Gandhiji to fight against the Britishers. Ans. (i) Satyagraha (ii) Non-Violence. Q.3. Name any four places where Satyagraha was launched by Gandhiji.…
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Nationalism in India SAQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences

Nationalism in India SAQ CBSE Class 10 Social Sciences Q.1, What was Satyagraha ? Name any two places where Satyagraha was launched by Gandhiji. Or Name the two main ‘Satyagraha’ movements organised by Mahatma Gandhi successfully in favour of peasants in 1916 and 1917. [CBSE 2008 (D), March 2011] Ans. (i) Satyagraha was a non-violent…
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