CBSE Class 10 Admit Card 2020 (Available) | CBSE 10th Admit Card 2020
CBSE Class 10 Admit Card 2020 for regular and private students has been issued. Regular students of class 10th are advised to contact their respective school authorities and collect their desired admit card. However, private candidates can download their CBSE Class 10 Admit Card 2020 directly through the link given below. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the admit card notification on its official website- To download the admit card school heads/ principals are provided with a unique id and password. While private candidates can download CBSE 10th Admit Card 2020 by entering their application number or previous year roll number or candidate’s name.
CBSE Class 10 Admit Card 2020
CBSE class 10 exams are going to begin from 2nd week of February. As per reports parents would asked to sign the admit card of their children in order to avoid last minute mistakes. Last year CBSE 10th admit card for private candidates was issued on January 19. While for regular candidates it was issued on January 30. To know the dates of 2020 check the table below.
CBSE 10th Admit Card 2020 | Important Dates |
Availability of Admit Card | 18 Jan 2020 (Regular) 21 Jan 2020 (Private) |
Exam Dates | 15 Feb – 20 Mar 2020 |
Admit Card: To check and download CBSE class 10th admit card 2020 for Private candidates Click Here
To check the availability of CBSE 10th Admit Card 2020 for regular students Click Here

How To Obtain CBSE 10th Admit Card 2020 For Regular Candidates
For the regular candidates CBSE releases the admit card at the school login. Thus, to obtain it students need to know some of the important points as given below.
1st Step- In order to collect the admit card students need to contact their respective school authority.
2nd Step- School principals are provided with a unique Id and password to download the admit card online.

3rd Step- After the successful collection of the admit card check all the details mentioned on your admit card.
4th Step- In case of any discrepancy on your admit card contact your respective school heads immediately.
5th Step- On the day of examination do not forget to carry your admit card.
Steps To Download CBSE 10th Admit Card 2020 For Private Candidates
Class 10th Admit Card for the private candidates releases at the individual login. Thus, to download it students need to follow certain steps as listed below.
1st First- Firstly, click on the link of the admit card available on this page.
2nd Step- As you click on the link a login window opens on your screen.
3rd Step- Here private students need to select their region first and choose the option of application number or previous roll number or year or name of the student.

4th Step- After choosing any of the desired option click on the proceed button.
5th Step- Now, your admit card appears on your screen.
6th Step- Check the details mentioned on your admit card carefully and download it.
75% Attendance Mandatory To Attain 10th Admit Card 2020
CBSE has released the final date sheet for class 10th students and the exams are from February 15. However, all those students who are going to appear for the exams need to have minimum 75% attendance. Schools are instructed to submit the final record by January 07, 2020. Students having less attendance need to submit valid documents to the board. You can check out the list of the documents from below.

Details On CBSE 10th Admit Card 2020
CBSE class 10 admit card conists of the following details. Please note the details we have mentioned are on the basis of last year’s data. So, go through them and attain an idea of the upcoming session.
- Roll Number
- Date of Birth (only for class 10th)
- Name of Student
- Mother’s Name
- Father’s Name
- Name of Examination Centre
- Category of Pwd
- Exemptions (S – Scribe, E – Extra Time, A – Assistive Device, L- Large Font, P- Adult Prompter)
- Admit Card Id
- Subject List
- Exam Timings
- List of Instructions
CBSE 10th Private Candidates 2020
Who are private candidates? In the board exams CBSE conduct the exams both for the regular students as well as the private candidates. A number of students falls under the category of the private candidates.
- Students who appeared in 2019 and not able to qualify the exams.
- Appeared in compartment exams July 2019 and got compartment again.
- Got Compartment in exams held in March 2019.
- Passed in 2019 but need to improve marks in two to three subjects.
- Students passed in 2014 and want to appear for the exam in Additional subjects.
So, if any candidate falls under any of these category can appear as a private candidate in 2020 exams. CBSE conducts the exams for the private and regular candidates simultaneously.
List of Important Instructions
Here we are with the list of some of the important points which must be kept in mind in order to avoid the last minute rush. So, have a look at the points as given below.
- Do not forget to carry all your belongings on the day of examination including your admit card or the intimation letter.
- Without the admit card no student would be allowed to appear for the exam.
- The exam centre details and the examination timings mentioned on your card.
- So, it is advised to the students to reach the exam centre on time.
- Electronic items such as mobile phones, calculator, smartwatches, bluetooth devices etc are restricted inside the exam hall.
- Students are allowed to carry the writing pad, stationery items, medicined if required and the water bottle.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ques 1. How to obtain CBSE class 10 Admit Card 2020?
Ans 1. CBSE has issued the admit card at the school login. Students can obtain it by visiting their respective schools.
Ques 2. Can students able to download the admit card online?
Ans 2. Schoo heads/ principals can only download the admit card online by providing the affiliation number as the user id and the changed password as password.
Ques 3. When the admit card considered as valid?
Ans 3. CBSE class 10 admit card considered as valid only after the sugnature of the principle.
Ques 4. How private candidates can obtain their admit card?
Ans 4. Private candidates can download their admit card online by entering the required details.
Ques 5. What if I lost my admit card?
Ans 5. Admit card consists of the details which are required to enter while appearing for the exams as well as to check the result. So, if anyone lost his/ her admit card then ask for the school authority before the exams to issue the duplicate admit card.
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All The Best For Your Exams!