CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter 10 Notes Respiration in Organisms

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CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter 10 Notes Respiration in Organisms

Respiration in Organisms Class 7 Notes Understanding the Lesson

1. The breakdown of food in the cells with the release of energy is known as cellular respiration.

2. The cells of all organisms go through the cellular respiration.

3. Aerobic respiration is said to occur when the breakdown of glucose takes place with the use of oxygen.

4. The breakdown of food without using oxygen is called anaerobic respiration.

5. Organisms that can survive in the absence of air are called anaerobes, e.g.,

6. Breathing means taking in air rich in oxygen and giving out air rich in carbon dioxide with the help of respiratory organ.

7. The taking in of air rich in oxygen into the body is called

8. The giving out of air rich in carbon dioxide is called

9. The number of times a person breathes in a minute is called the breathing rate.

10. During inhalation, our lungs expand and then come back to the original state as the air moves out during exhalation.

11. Increased physical activities enhances the rate of breathing.

12. Cow, buffalo, dog and cat have respiratory organs and mechanism of breathing similar to those of humans.

13. In-plant, roots take in air present in the soil. Leaves have tiny pores called stomata, for exchange of gases.

14. The small openings on the sides of the body of some insects and cockroaches are called Gills help fish to breathe in water.

15. Earthworms breathe through their skin.

Class 7 Science Chapter 10 Notes Important Terms

Aerobic respiration: When breakdown of glucose takes place with the use of oxygen, it is called aerobic respiration.

Anaerobic respiration: The breakdown of food without using oxygen is called anaerobic respiration.

Breathing rate: The number of times a person breathes in a minute is called the breathing rate.

Cellular respiration: The breakdown of food in the cells with the release of energy is called cellular respiration.

Diaphragm: A muscular partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities is called diaphragm.

Exhalation: The breathing out of air rich in carbon dioxide is called exhalation.

Gills: Gills are respiratory organs of aquatic animals that breathe oxygen dissolved in water.

Lungs: Lungs are sac-like respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates. It serve to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the blood.

Inhalation: The breathing in of air rich in oxygen is called inhalation.

Spiracles: Spiracles are small openings on the body of cockroaches and insects for breathing.

Tracheae: Tracheae are the air tubules forming the respiratory organ of most of the insects.

Ribs: The twelve pairs of curved arches of bones extending from the spine toward the sternum in human are called ribs.

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