CBSE Class 8 English Grammar – Adverb

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CBSE Class 8 English Grammar – Adverb

Definition of Adverb
An adverb is a word that modifies the meaning of a verb or an adjective or another adverb,

  1. Mandy is a very careful driver.
  2. Mandy drives carefully.
  3. Mandy drives very carefully.

In sentence (1), the word ‘very’ modifies the meaning of the adjective ‘careful’.
In sentence (2), the word ‘carefully’ modifies the meaning of the verb ‘drives’.
In sentence (3), the word ‘very’ modifies the meaning of another adverb ‘carefully’.
Hence, adverbs qualify verbs, adjectives or arother adverbs.
From the above sentences, we can also observe that, adverbs tell us ‘how’ an action is done or ‘to what extent’ or ‘how much’ the quality of a person is i.e. adverbs tell us about the manner, degree etc.

Types of Adverbs
The different types of adverbs are given below.

Adverbs of Time
They tell us when the action took place.

  1. I went for a movie yesterday.
  2. Rick finishes all his tasks early.
  3. They will rehearse for the show tonight.

Adverbs of Frequency
They tell us how often an action takes place,

  1. Jeet practices violin regularly.
  2. Neil frequently makes such a comment.
  3. Ninad will come again.

Adverbs of Place
They tell us where an action takes place.

  1. Arjun searched for water everywhere but he didn’t find it anywhere.
  2. Come here at once!
  3. She took the lady inside.

Adverbs of Manner
They tell us how or in what manner an action takes place.

  1. He is persistently making efforts to crack the exam.
  2. The teachers and mentors are working hard on the project.
  3. Amrita speaks English fluently.

Adverbs of Degree
They tell us about the extent or degree of a quality or an action.

  1. Shahista was a very beautiful girl.
  2. The boys have danced fantastically well.
  3. You should not be too careful about your attire.

Adverbs of Reason
They answer the question,’ ‘why an action took place’.

  1. Sudha has been shortlisted. Hence she has to prepare for the final round.
  2. She has become weak. So she should have a proper diet.

Interrogative Adverbs
The words used to ask questions are interrogative adverbs.

  1. Where do you live? (Place)
  2. When will Sara be back? (Time)
  3. Why were you absent? (Reason)
  4. How is she going to do this? (Manner)
  5. How much effort does it require? (Degree)
  6. How many siblings do you have? (Number)

Relative Adverbs
Adverbs that are used to join two sentences or two clauses. Relative adverbs indicate their antecedents in the process of joining.

  1. This is the place where he was born.
  2. Nobody knows the reason why Amit behaved that way.
  3. Can you tell me the time when the manager may come?

Adverbs of degree should be used according to the intensity as follows

Low Degree

  1. The story you told is a bit disappointing.
  2. I am least interested in it. Tell it to the marines.
  3. The question is a little confusing.
  4. This is slightly tilted.

Medium Degree

  1. The sitting arrangement is fairly enough
  2. This is sufficiently large.
  3. They performed pretty well.
  4. This book is rather nice.

High Degree

  1. This is extremely beautiful.
  2. I had done it quite before you asked.
  3. The speech was fantastically awesome.
  4. The man is too old.

Chapter Practice

Question 1:
Identify the adverb in each of the following sentences.

  1. They spoke loudly.
  2. I am highly impressed with her presentation.
  3. She looked quite nervous.
  4. Radha works diligently in order to get promoted.
  5. Fox is often believed to be cunning animal,
  6. Barking dogs seldom bite. ‘
  7. Earlier, they used to travel in their car.
  8. The birds were chirping merrily.
  9. I sometimes go for a walk in the park.
  10. He never came to my place to visit me.


  1. loudly
  2. highly
  3. quite
  4. diligently
  5. often
  6. seldom
  7. earlier
  8. merrily
  9. sometimes
  10. never

Question 2:
Use appropriate adverbs of degree (a bit, a little, very, extremely or pretty) according to the context of the sentences given below.

  1. I am ..’… tired. But I will definitely try to come with you.
  2. I am not able to make out the answer. It is……. confusing.
  3. The boy found the girl ………………… ugly and disagreed to marry her.
  4. The arrangements of the birthday party were ……. nice. One could not help, but appreciate them.
  5. We can think of some other place. This one is…………boring
  6. The paintings and carvings at Ajintha and Verul are………. beautiful.
  7. The audience were……….. spell bound. They liked the speech…….. much.
  8. He slowed down the speed ……………….  that he might not meet with an accident.
  9. This building is………. It look like a haunted place now.
  10. She sings…….. She can try her hand at singing.


  1. a little/a bit
  2. very
  3. extremely
  4. extremely
  5. a little
  6. very/extremely
  7. extremely, very
  8. a little
  9. very
  10. pretty

Question 3:
Make sentences of your own using the following adverbs.

  1. Surely
  2. Nicely
  3. Completely
  4. Too
  5. Secretly
  6. Seriously
  7. Well
  8. Perhaps
  9. Always


  1. One who tries hard will, surely be successful.
  2. Shantanu prepares every lesson nicely.
  3. The network was completely lost and we could not contact you, dear.
  4. Being too tolerant is not worth in today’s world.
  5. One should not do secretly what we one can not do in public.
  6. The two men were seriously injured in the mishap.
  7. He feels well now. “
  8. Ojas perhaps wants to go back to Russia.
  9. We will always remember this time.

Question 4:
Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate adverbs.

  1. I have heard this ………….
    (a) now
    (b) before
    (c) never
    (d) since
  2. I have told you ………….
    (a) never
    (b) twice
    (c) seldom
    (d) fully
  3. This story is written ………….
    (a) surely
    (b) certainly
    (c) well
    (d) once
  4. She sings ………….
    (a) delighted
    (b) delightfully
    (c) already
    (d) never


  1. (b) before
  2. (b) twice
  3. (c) well
  4. (b) delightfully

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