CBSE Class 8 English Grammar – Interjection

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CBSE Class 8 English Grammar – Interjection

Interjections are the words that are used to express sentiments and emotions of the speaker or the writer or they are used to convey protest or hesitation. They are usually single words or small phrases separated by commas or they are on their own with an exclamation mark (!).

Usage of Some Important Interjections in Sentences

  1. Wow! That’s an amazing news.
  2. Hush! Please be quite.
  3. Yeah! I’d love to have some apple juice.
  4. Aah! Now I understand what you meant.
  5. Hark! I hear a drum.

Chapter Practice

Question 1:
Identify the interjection and underline it.

  1. Hmm, I’m not sure this colour is perfect for my dress.
  2. Uh oh! The police has caught him.
  3. I guess that’s the end of the series, darn.
  4. Hello! How do you do?
  5. Of course! I’ll make all the arrangements for your birthday.
  6. Well I never!
  7. Ouch! It’s paining badly.
  8. Alas! She’s dead now.
  9. Oh, it’s been around a month since I saw him.
  10. Bingo! That’s exactly what we have been searching for!


Question 2:
Fill in the blanks by selecting appropriate interjections from the box given below.

  1. ………………………. Thank God!
  2. ………………………. I didn’t see you were hiding here. .
  3. ………………………. I’ll help you.
  4. ………………………. We have won the match.
  5. ………………………. I felt bad hearing that.
  6. ………………………. Now that’s what I call a good shot
  7. ……………………… That show was so gory.
  8. ……………………… Don’t make a noise.
  9. ………………………. I can’t believe you lost my favourite book,
  10. …………………… what did he say?


  1. Oh!
  2. Oops!
  3. Of course,
  4. Yippee,
  5. Oh,
  6. Ah!
  7. Eww!
  8. Hush!
  9. Bah.
  10. Well

Question 3:
Make appropriate sentences using the following interjections.

  1. Alas
  2. Yeah,
  3. Great
  4. Eh!
  5. Ugh!
  6. Stop!
  7. Wow!
  8. Yes!
  9. What!


  1. Alash! With him ends an era.
  2. Yeah,I am coming-to the party.
  3. Great! We are going to Switzerland, the heaven on the Earth.
  4. Eh! We want it once more.
  5. Ugh! That is so untidy.
  6. Eureka! We have made it happen. Let’s Party now.
  7. That hurts, stop!
  8. Wow! That’s a brilliant idea.
  9. What ! I can’t believe this.

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