NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 1 Notes What, Where, How and When?

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NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 1 Notes What, Where, How and When?


What, Where, How and When? Class 6 Notes Social Science History Chapter 1

CBSE Class 6 History Chapter 1 Notes Understanding The Lesson

1. Past can be known by the help of evidence of that time or period.

2. Those, who study the past in a systematic way, are called ‘Historians’.

3. Manuscripts and Inscriptions are the important ways to find out about the early people.

4. Archaeologists are those who study the ancient objects including Manuscripts and Inscriptions.

5. Many manuscripts and inscriptions were found from many places.

6. Manuscripts were usually written on palm leaf or the bark of the birch tree.

7. In manuscripts, the languages used are: Sanskrit, Prakrit and Tamil.

8. We can know about the earlier people-what they ate, wore, what kind of houses they had, what they grew as crops.

9. We can find out about the life of people viz. Rulers, farmers, hunters, merchants, artists etc.

10. Early people lived along the bank of river Narmada.

11. They also knew about the use of plants, its roots, fruits, leaves, stalks, etc.

12. They also hunted animals.

13. ‘Sulaiman’ and ‘Kirthar’ hills are situated in the North-West.

14. About 8000 years ago, the man had first grown crops such as wheat and barley.

15. Early people also began rearing of animals like sheep, goat and cattle.

16. Agriculture also developed in the North-East ‘Garo Hills’ and in Central India (Vindhyas).

17. On the bank of the Indus River and its tributaries cities flourished/developed about 4700 years ago.

18. On the bank of the Ganga and its tributaries, cities also developed about 2500 years ago.

19. The area situated in the south of the Ganga was known as ‘Magadha’ in ancient times.

20. Men and women travelled from one place to another for the search of livelihood and also to avoid floods and droughts and other natural calamities.

21. Our country is known from two names i.e. India and Bharat. The word India came from the Indus and Bharat from the Rigveda.

22. Dates are mostly written as BC, BCE, AD & CE.

What, Where, How and When? Class 6 CBSE Notes Important Terms

Travelling: Can be referred as ‘visit’. The early man travelled to fulfil his needs particularly for food.

Manuscript: The word is derived from the Latin word ‘manu’ meaning ‘hand’ and ‘script’ meaning ‘writing’. Thus manuscripts are ancient evidence which are written long ago on palm leafs or bark of trees.

Inscription: These are written records on hard surfaces like stones or metals by engraving.

Archaeology: Archaeology is study of objects made and used in past.

Historians: Those, who study the past in a systematic way, are called ‘Historians’.

Source: Here ‘Source’ refers to different type of evidences which are used by Archaeologists and Historians to know the past status.

Decipherment: This is a process to read the ancient languages.

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