NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 6 National Integration Introduction

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 6 National Integration Introduction

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 6 National Integration Introduction are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book. Here we have given CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 6 National Integration Introduction.

CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 6 National Integration Introduction



It was 1984, Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma went into the space. Indian Tricolour was attached on his space suit. Mrs. Gandhi asked him how India looked from space. He replied ‘best of the world’.

Rakesh Sharma had only one worry. When man reaches the other planets, he should not take the conflicts on the earth with him over there.

Question 1.
Do you think moments of glory make people more patriotic ?

Recall more such moments.

  • The Indian flag was hoisted on the highest mountain peak of the world, Mount Everest on 29th May 1953.
  • When the National Anthem plays during Olympics.


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 6 National Integration Introduction 1

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