Srimad Bhagwat Puran Kalays

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Srimad Bhagwat Puran Kalays

In the Srimad Bhagwat Puran, the calculation has been done very subtlely. The subtle form of the object is called ‘atom’. A ‘molecule’ is formed from two atoms and three ‘molecules’ form a ‘triathlon’. The amount of time the Sun rays take to cross the three triglymon, it is called ‘error’. One hundred times the error is ‘blackness’ and there is a ‘love’ of three claws. There is one ‘Nimesh’ of three lavas, one ‘Moment’ of three Nimesh and one ‘kasta’ of five moments. There is a ‘miniature’ of fifteen kshta, a ‘nadika’ or ‘punishment’ of fifteen small ones and two nadis or punishments ‘one’. There is a ‘Prahara’ or ‘Yama’ of six Muhurt.

There are twelve thousand Divine years in Chatyuga (Sat Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga, Kali Yuga). A divine year is equivalent to three hundred sixty years of human beings.

Era year

Sat Yuga four thousand eight hundred

Treta era three thousand six hundred

Dwapar era two thousand four hundred

Kali era one thousand two hundred

Each manu manages 7,16,114 tactics. There are fourteen manus in one ‘kalpa’ of Brahma. This is the creation of Brahma everyday. This cosmic composition made from sixteen disorders (nature, significance, ego, five senses, two types of senses, mind and Panchakal) is within 50 million plan expanses from within. There are ten-ten covers above it. Such crores of cosmic signs, which are seen in atomic form in the universe, are the supreme glory of God. In this way, the Puranaka has presented a detailed discussion of the importance of God, the greatness of time and the lesserity of the past life of the past.

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