Bhagwat Puran’s creation-Genesis

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Bhagwat Puran’s creation-Genesis

In this Kalikal, ‘Shrimad Bhagavat Purana’ is the most revered mythology of Hindu society. This is the principal text of the Vaishnava sect. In this book, the mysterious and mysterious subjects of Vedas, Upanishads and Philosophy have been described with very simplicity. It is more apt to call it the encyclopedia of Indian religion and culture. For hundreds of years this Puran has been playing an important role in the establishment of religious, social and temporal cults of the Hindu society.

In this mythology, co-ordination of Sakam Karma, Nirkam Karma, Knowledge Sadhana, Siddhi Sadhana, Bhakti, Grace, Limit, Dwait-Advaita, Dwaita Dwaita, Nirguna-Saguna and Express-latent Mysteries are available. ‘Shrimad Bhagavat Purana’ is filled with the eloquence and eloquent poetry-elegance of the description. It is a renewable stock of learning. This Puran suppresses all kinds of welfare and triad-arthropods, forensic and spiritual etc. This great text of knowledge, devotion and resentment is there.

There are twelve skandas in this Puran, in which the incarnations of Vishnu are described. On the prayer of Shaun Kadhi rishis in Naimisharanya, the son of Lohrishna, the son of fury, has spoken the story of twenty-four incarnations of Lord Shri Krishna through this mythology.

In this mythology Varanashram-religion system has been given full recognition and the woman, Shudra and degenerate person have been deprived of the right to listen to the Vedas. Brahmins have been given more importance. In Vedic times, women and Shudras were deprived of hearing Vedas because they had neither the time to keep them safe in their memory by listening to those monks nor their intellectual development was so sharp. But later without understanding this sentiment of Vedic sages, the Brahmins made it rudimentary and gave birth to a different category.

In the ‘Shrimad Bhagavat Purana’, the divine and supernatural form of Shrikrishna has been described repeatedly. In the mysteries of the myths, five topics have been mentioned, but it contains ten subjects-Sarna-Vishej, place, nutrition, Uti, Maanvantar, eashaktha, detention, liberation and shelter (in the second chapter, these ten symptoms Has been discussed). Here, the qualities of Shrikrishna have been stated, that after taking shelter of their devotees, the holy ones, Andhra, Pulinad, Pulcas, Crab, Kank, Yavan and Khas etc. etc. also become holy.

In the context of creation, this mythology has been said – Ekohambhusami. That is, due to the desire to be very much from one God, the Lord himself accepts call, deeds and nature in his own nature. Then three attributes – Satva, Raja and Tama – cause irritation in the period and the nature transforms the irritation. Then, the importance of karmic qualities gives birth, which are converted into ego, sky, air, energy, water, earth, mind, senses and soul respectively. By meeting each one of these, there is a composition of the microcosmic body and the universe. This universe was lying like this for thousands of years. Then God revealed to him the mighty man with arms and organs. Brahmins from the mouth of that great man, Kshatriyas from Kshatriyas with arms, Vaishyas from the thighs and Shudra with feet.

Due to the presence of a virgin male, the water was called ‘slogan’. This slogan was later called ‘Narayan’. A total of ten types of creatures are reported. Mahatmata, ego, Tanmata, Indya, the deity of the senses, Deity ‘Mana’ and Avidya – these are six natural worlds. Apart from these, there are four deformed creatures in which the real trees, animals, birds, humans and God come.

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