Bhagwat Puran
Bhagwat is one of the eighteenth Puranas of Puran Hindus. It is also called Shrimadbhavatam or Bhagavatam only. Its main narrative subject is Bhakti Yoga, in which Krishna is depicted as the God of all Gods or God Himself. Apart from this, the devotion of the juice bhav has also been depicted in this Puran. Traditionally, the author of this mythology is considered to be Ved Vyas.
Srimad Bhagavat is the emancipation of Indian literature. It is as if the spiritual journey of Lord Hanuman has been told by Lord Shukdev. In each of its verses, there is the fragrance of Lord Krishna. In it there is a wonderful collection of inspirational various anecdotes, along with instrument-knowledge, siddhagana, instrument-devotion, siddha-devotion, boundary path, grace-way, dualism, advaita coordination. [1]
In Bhagwat Purana, Maharishi Sut Goswami narrates a story to the sadhus presented before him. Sage people ask him questions about various incarnations of Vishnu. Sut Goswami says that he had heard this story from another sage Shukdev. There are twelve people in total. All the incarnations in the first stanza are described in summary form.
First wing
There are twenty-eight chapters in the first wing of this Purana, in which Shukdev Ji reveals the magnificence of Lord Devotion. Describe the various incarnations of God, depiction of the ancestors of Devshi Narada, the story of Karma and salvation, the condemnation of Ashwaththama and its defeat, the death of Bhishma’s grandmother, the departure of Krishna, the teachings of Vidur, Dhritarashtra, Gandhari And for the passage of Kunti and going to the Himalayas for the ascendancy of the Pandavas, etc., the incidents have been described in the form of a narrative.
Second wing
This wing begins with the description of God’s vast nature. After this there is mention of worship of different deities, Gita’s teachings, glory of Lord Krishna and devotion made with the spirit of ‘Krishnarampamastu’. It has been said that in all the living beings, Lord Krishna is the form of ‘soul’. The ten characteristics of the Puranas and the creation of creation also found in this wing.
Third wing
The third wing begins with the meeting of Uddhav and Vidur ji. In this, Uddhav mentions Sri Krishna’s childhood and other Leela characters. Apart from this, the mention of Vishu and Maitreya sage, mention of creation order, the origin of Brahma, description of time division, description of the creation, the story of the incarnation of Avatar, on the request of Rishi Kashyap, Cursing the birth of Jai-Vijay, being cursed by Suntkumar, falling from Vishnulok and being born as Duryaksha and Hiranyakhipu from Datti’s womb. Hald’s devotion, cruel incarnation by Hiranakshi and Narsingh Avtar, Marriage of Karam-Devuhati, Sermon Shastra’s preaching, and Avatar of God in the form of Kapil Muni etc. has been described in this wing.
Fourth wing
The fame of this wing is very much due to ‘Puranobhypanhaan’. It has been given the metaphor of a king named Puranjan and a beautiful woman from India. In this story Puranjan enters the town of Navdvar with the will of luxury and luxury. There he is considered from the invasion of yavon and Gandharva. The metaphor is that the town in the walled city is this body. In puberty, the creature behaves freely in it. But by the attack of Calakanya, old age, his power is destroyed and in the end it is set on fire.
Explaining the metaphor, Narad ji says, “Puranan is a mortal creature and nine-door city is a human body (nine doors – two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth, one anus, one gender). The beauty of ignorance is that she is beautiful, her slaves are ten senses, the protectors of this city [1] do the Panchmukhi serpent. [2] Eleven generals [3], two wheels of sin and virtue, three qualities [4] chariot Shadow The symbol of indulgence and hunting by the senses is the constant speed and velocity of time, the enemy is Gandharva Chandav, three hundred sixty Gandharva soldiers are three hundred sixty days and nights of the year, which annihilate the old age. The life-time man keeps on fighting and fighting against them, and the day is destroyed by fever or sickness.
The spirit of this metaphor is that the human being constantly decaying his body by consuming his senses, gets consumed in the pleasures and pleasures. When old age comes, power gets weakened and suffers from many diseases. The family members offer fire offerings to his body.
Fifth wing
The fifth ward describes the characters of Priyavrat, Agni Dhar, Raja Nabhi, Rishabhdev and Bharat etc kings. This Bharat root is Bharat, Shakuntala is not a son. Bharat’s birth deer in the deceased spirit is mentioned in the birth of the vagina, then the birth of Brahmins from the glory of the Gandak river and spiritual dialogue etc. from the Sindhu Sauvier monarch. After this, the worldly way of living is described as a beautiful metaphor. This is followed by the description of Bharata Dynasty and Bhuvan Kosh. After that, the story of the story of Gangavataran, the geographical description of India and Lord Vishnu is remembered as a method of doing astrology by Shishupur. In the end, various types of Raksha Nars have been described here.
The eleventh
Narayan Kavach and Panswan fast method have been described in a public utopia in the sixth wing. The son receives the fasting of fasting. Humans are protected by the side effects of diseases, diseases and planets. It must be done on the day of Ekadashi and Dabadshi.
This wing begins with the Ajamil Ujajil anecdote from the resident of Kanyakub. At the time of his death Ajamil calls his son ‘Narayan’. On his call, the angels of Lord Vishnu come and take him away. Explaining the glory of Bhagwat, Vishnu-messenger says that if a thief, drunkard, friend-hostile, Brahma-gati, Guru-wife Kamikami and no matter how big a sinner, if he remembers Lord Vishnu’s name, Birth sins are destroyed. But there is a superlative in this statement. Intercourse and guru’s wife can never be happy This is a heinous sin. Such a person falls into hell only in hell.
The descent of Daksha Prajapati is also found in this wing. With the use of Narayana Kavach, Indra gets a huge victory over the enemy. The effect of this armor remains after death. In this, the story of the defeat of the deities by the Vatrasura monster, the creation of Vajra from the bones of Dadhichi Rishi and the slaughter of Vatsarasur have also been given.
Seventh wing
The story of Bhaktraj Prahalad and Hiranyakhipipu is detailed in the seventh wing. In addition, there is a detailed discussion of human religion, character religion and feminism. Through the story of the devotee Prahlad, religion, sacrifice, devotion and sleepiness etc. have been discussed.
Octavo wings
Gajendra is an interesting account of the story of Gajendra’s deliverance by Gyanendra on the hook in this wing by Vishnu. There is also the story of distributing nectar by Vishnu in the same form as Sea Mandhan and Mohini. The story of Devaasur Sangram and God’s ‘Vaman Avatar’ is also in this wing. In the end, the story of ‘matsyaavatar’ ends this wing.
Ninth box
According to one characteristic of the Puranas, in this wing, the descendents of Manu and his five sons-Ikshvaku dynasty, Nimi descent, Chandra dynasty, Vishwamit dynasty and Pu dynasty, Bharata dynasty, Magadh dynasty, Ancestry descendants, Drahu dynasty, Tuvavas dynasty And the description of the Yadu clan etc. is received. Ram, Sita etc. have also been analyzed in detail. Their ideals have also been explained.
Tenth box
This wing is divided into two sections – ‘first’ and ‘latter’. In this wing, the character of Krishna is extensively. The famous ‘Ras Panchadhayi’ also gets in it. From the birth of Shri Krishna in the chapters of ‘Purvardh’, there is the story of Akur ji till Hastinapur’s visit. In the latter part, the description of war, from Jarasand, the formation of Dwarkapuri, Rukmini Haran, the household religion of Shrikrishna, and the death of Shishu Pal. This wing is completely full of Shrikrishna Leela. It starts with the marriage of Vasudev Devaki. Prophecy, the murder of Devaki’s children by Kansa, Krishna’s birth, Krishna’s hair leelas, Gopalan, Kansa slaughter, Hastinapur journey of Akur ji, War from Jarasand, Dwarka escape, Dwarka Nagri building, Marriage with Rukmini, Birth of Pradyumna, Shambasur slaughter, story of Syamantak Mani, Krishna’s marriage with Jambwati and Satyabhama, love incident of Usha-Aniruddha, war with Baanasur and stories of King Nrag etc. Are there. The story of friendship of Krishna-Sudama is also given in this box.
Eleven wings
The signs of God’s devotees have been counted by the dialogue of King Janak and nine yogis in the eleventh wing. Brahmvetta Dattatray Maharaj preached Yadu, saying that patience from the earth, the satisfaction and relieving of the air, the uncertainty of the sky, the purity of water, the disappearance of the fire and the maya, the transmigration from the moon, the knowledge received from the sun and the education of renunciation Should do After giving education to Uddhav, eighteen kinds of Sidhis have been described. After this, mentioning Vaishnava Dharma, Gyan Yoga, Karmayog and devotion to the divinity of God is described.
Dvdash wings
Dynasties after the King-Examinated in this wing have been described in the future. The essence of this is that after the 138 years of Raja Pradayakti, then Das Raja of the Shishunaga dynasty, ten kings of the Maurya dynasty for 136 years, ten kings of the Shung dynasty, 112 years, four kings of the Kanva dynasty, 345 years, then thirty The king will reign for 456 years. After this, the kingdom of Aamir, Garandh, Kad, Yawan, Turk, Gurud and Maun kings will be. The silent king will reign for 300 years and the remaining king will rule for one thousand ninety year. After this Vahlik will become the kingdom of the offspring and the Shudras and the Mcleas. Apart from religious and spiritual works, this mythology is also very important as a pure literary and historical work.
Bhagavat Purana describes that the creature attracts the attraction of the world, to remove it from that charm and to attract itself to the element which appears in real form, that element is called Krishna. Those who have embraced extremely enigmatic and subtle elements with their ego, their love and enthusiasm, the time to take the message of Lord Shrikrishna, their leela and their incarnation symbolizing equality of such philosophy, equality is all supernatural.