Category: NCERT Class 9 Maths Notes

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CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 15 Notes Probability

CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 15 Notes Probability Probability Class 9 Notes Understanding the Lesson 1. Experiment: A procedure which produces some well-defined possible outcomes. 2. Random experiment: An experiment which when performed produces one of the several possible outcomes called a random experiment. 3. Trial: When we perform an experiment it is called a…
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CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 14 Notes Statistics

CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 14 Notes Statistics Statistics Class 9 Notes Understanding the Lesson There are two types of data: Primary Secondary. We can represent the data by: Ungrouped and Grouped frequency distribution. Data can also be represented by: Bar graph Histogram Frequency polygons. Class mark of grouped data \(=\frac{\text { lower limit }+\text…
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CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 13 Notes Surface Areas and Volumes

CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 13 Notes Surface Areas and Volumes Surface Areas and Volumes Class 9 Notes Understanding the Lesson Cuboid: With length T, breadth ‘b’ and height ‘h’ (a) Volume = lbh (b) Total surface area = 2(lb + bh + hl) (c) Lateral surface area = 2h(l + b) (c) (d) Diagonal…
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CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 12 Notes Constructions

CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 12 Notes Constructions Constructions Class 9 Notes Understanding the Lesson Geometrical construction means using only a ruler and a pair of compasses as geometrical instruments. Protractor may be used for drawing non-standard angles. Construction of bisector of a line segment using compass Draw a line segment, say AB. With both…
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CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 11 Notes Circles

CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 11 Notes Circles Circles Class 9 Notes Understanding the Lesson Circle is the collection of all points in a plane, which are equidistant from a fixed point in the plane. The fixed point is called the centre O and the given distance is called the radius r of the circle.…
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CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 9 Notes Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles

CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 9 Notes Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles Class 9 Notes Understanding the Lesson 1. Area of a parallelogram = base x height = DC x AE 2. Area of a triangle = \(\frac{1}{2}\)base x height \(\frac{1}{2}\) BC x AD 3. Area of a trapezium =…
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CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 9 Notes Quadrilaterals

CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 9 Notes Quadrilaterals Quadrilaterals Class 9 Notes Understanding the Lesson Quadrilateral A plane figure bounded by four line segments is called quadrilateral. Properties: It has four sides. It has four vertices or comers. It has two diagonals. The sum of four interior angles is equal to 360°. In quadrilateral ABCD,…
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CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 8 Notes Linear Equations in Two Variables

CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 8 Notes Linear Equations in Two Variables Linear Equations in Two Variables Class 9 Notes Understanding the Lesson 1. Equation: An equation is a mathematical statement that two things are equal. It consists of two expressions one on each side of an equals sign. For example,7x + 9 = 0…
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CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 Notes Heron’s Formula

CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 Notes Heron’s Formula Heron’s Formula Class 9 Notes Understanding the Lesson 1. Area of triangle with base ‘b’ and altitude ‘h’ is Area = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(b x h) 2. Area of an isosceles triangle with equal sides ‘a’ each and third side b is Area \(=\frac{b}{4} \sqrt{4 a^{2}-b^{2}}\) 3. Area…
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CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 6 Notes Coordinate Geometry

CBSE Class 9 Maths Chapter 6 Notes Coordinate Geometry Coordinate Geometry Class 9 Notes Understanding the Lesson Rene Descartes was a French mathematician. He introduced an idea of Carterian Coordinate System for describing the position of a point in a plane. The idea which has given rise to an important branch of Mathematics known as…
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